Wednesday, November 18, 2009

thoughts on the term paper

First thing's first, that test was a trickster. If I had to designate it as a specific animal it would certainly be the post-fall serpent. It was sliding through the grass, making us feel at ease, and then WHOOOPAAOWW! It struck with speed and cunning. I wish I had a second chance at bat, I'd hit that snake in the face, and thus, receive an A. Enough with the metaphors.

'The Slave' is absolutely one of the heaviest books I've ever read and it seems to be the most logical choice as a paper topic, but is it the right choice? I guess what I'm having second thoughts about is whether I can come up with the evidence I need to in order to produce a solid enough paper to help me bounce back, both emotionally and academically, from that test which just left me dead on the side of the road. Perhaps that's an exaggeration, but these are legitimate thoughts nonetheless.

Anyways, I have my thesis sentence written and whether it is actually going to work out is yet to be seen. I would share it with all of you here and now, but, I don't want anybody to end up with my same topic. That being said, it is extremely likely that the amount of students using my same idea is in the double digits so I won't be surprised if there are a bunch of us on the exact same page.

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