Tuesday, September 1, 2009

first day of class... what a trip

Wow. As far as first days of class go that one left a mark.  I find myself somewhere in between shell shocked and curiously soothed. Somehow, between the calming grandfatherly voice of Dr. Sexson and his vernacular choice of words, I was disengaged from my initial terror of reading the entire bible and now believe I can pull it off...  But the words "you will have no life outside of this classroom" are still resonating in my mind so I am now in the process of building up my mental fortitude and preparing myself for yet another semester here in the north country.  

After the good doctor's pitch on Singer's book 'The Slave', I am really looking forward to starting it. On top of that, I am also looking forward to diversifying myself technologically this semester through this blog and also through the seemingly simple process of buying a book on Amazon. So many people have already experienced this but I've yet to ever purchase a book outside of a bookstore... What an adrenaline rush. 

Anyways, I hope my fears (and I'm guessing all of ours) for this class are never realized and that only good things are to come. 

Good luck to everybody and let the reading begin!

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